The gateway to starting a drawing

“There’s something nice to know that you start your drawings the same as someone like me that doesn’t draw, that looks like something that I drew.”

This was at a Cafe on a Sunday morning. Relatively warm for September… I hate it when it’s hot.

I went to meet with a friend to come up with some designs for some clothings that they wanted to create for fun… share with friends… just a fun thing to do.

While we were talking about the design and scribbling on my iPad, they pointed out the way I start out my sketches. Scribbles. They were a mess. It was funny to my friend that the initial phase of my drawings look… literally like anyone in the world can just regurgitate onto the paper/screen. I hadn’t noticed this before… and now that I think about it, even the professional artists that I follow on social media start similarly… not all… but many that I know.

It led to the thought about people saying they can’t draw. But… literally anyone can. It doesn’t even need to look good. As long as you start out with the correct expectation.

  • Just want the silhouette to seem correct

  • Just want that one small segment of the scribble to look good

  • Just want that feeling of trying and accomplishing a drawing

I don’t know. I just think it’s important to set an expectation at the beginning because unfortunately, we can’t all just start drawing and it looking like a photograph.